Friday, April 15, 2016
There are no words that can express my deepest sympathy for my brother and the entire kelford family. There are many things that can be said about Brent, he was a son, a brother, an awesome father and above all my friend and a great friend to many. He was FAMIlY. And never for a day in my life did I ever consider him anything less. He was a genuine one of a kind a ledgend among the ballparks of kitley park. There are a lot of lives that he has been a part of that will forever be changed by his passing. It's hard to put into words the emotion and love I feel for my brother. We have been through everything from the beginning and i stand behind him now more than ever. It breaks my soul to see his pain. I will forever hold on to my fond memories of Brent and think about him often as a part of him now carrys on in the man he raised his son to be. My deepest condolences. To Brent : rest easy old man may the sun always be upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars. Love Ryan